Yoga & Meditation

Every situation and experience can either dim your inner light or make it glow. How do you choice to shine.  – JM

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Photo credit: Thialesa Pictures

My Path in Two Sentences

I literally fell on the path of yoga. It was early morning when I stepped onto the pavement for my habitual jog around the block. The sun had not yet peeked beyond the horizon, so the streets were still lit by the Clair de la Lune. Lost in thought, I stumbled on the pavement. I heard a voice, what are you running from? And then another, me. Dazed by what had just happened, I got up, wiped the dirt off my leggings, raised my gaze to the sky and saw for the first time, a lighted sign, YOGA. It was 5h25 am when my life came to screeching halt. Something big was about to happen. I knew it. I walked into a candlelit room, bodies of all shapes and sizes moved to the sound of a collectively synchronized breath. The air was filled with a mixture of grace and sharp focus that was mesmerizing to the senses. Ninety minutes later I saw myself laying in deep relaxation in a pool of tears. I was tingling with sensation, radially alive and it felt so familiar and yet so distant. I knew, at that moment I had arrived home, home to me.

That was 30 years ago and there hasn’t been a day since that I haven’t spent time on my mat. My practice, a practice because we can’t do yoga, is what connects me to my inner voice, the core of my heart and my soul. My home practice gifts me with moments of deep stillness that guides me inward with fascination and kindness. It is an invitation to show up and be me, whatever that may look like. I never really know how my day will unfold but I do no know that if it begins with my practice I live that day with aliveness, curiosity and a quiet inner strength. It has become my daily dose of cultivating a deep relationship with myself and filling the space that I am with presence. When my cup is filled then I am openly ready to fill the cup of others.


What inspires me to practice?

The ecstatic feeling of being alive! Getting on the mat can be difficult when it is cold and dark outside and my bed is inviting me to stay put but that moment of temptation is an open invitation to clarify my intentions and ask myself, what would be more empowering and aligned with what I truly want to manifest?  Having the choice is a gift and it opens the door to conscience responsibility where I become a co-participator in my happiness.

Curiosity and the desire to cultivate a profound relationship with myself, others and life is a huge part of it. Transformational work was my first love and yoga became its soulmate. I fell onto the path without knowing that it would become the perfect vehicle to communicate the integration of body, mind, heart, soul and breath. The practice fills my yearning to truly experience my inner world of thought, sensation, emotion, energy and intuition. They say that there are 8’400’000 yoga postures and I believe that there are 8’400’000 opportunities to experience life as a playground for growth. The asanas, or postures, are just pretexts for any life experience- the daily ups and downs, the spilled coffee on our keyboard or the missed planes. It all happens on the mat which becomes a mirror reflecting our attitude, our thoughts and our reactivity toward what we are experiencing. It’s on the mat where we get to practice for real life. This lends itself to transformative ah-ha moments for reflection. Life is the greatest of inspirations and the practice transforms them into visceral experiences for understanding.

I never know what will transpire during my morning practice. Each time I step onto my mat there is a sense of curiosity and discovery. The movement of my body precedes all thought and shoulds. There is a deep humble trust in the moment, in my body and in the experience. The breath breaks down the walls of protection and invites me to feel from the inside. The asanas (postures) reflect the marriage between my inner and outer world, the energy of the universe and my connection to it. The language of my body speaks through the expression of the asanas and guides me to understand who I truly am. From here, there is an open invitation and motivation to connect with others authentically.

It is hard to put words to what I experience during my practice and yet I have come to realize that yoga is experiential. We can read and learn all about yoga but until we step onto the mat and experience it for ourselves yoga remains an enigma.



What inspires me to teach?

The true desire to share one of the most profound discoveries that have shifted my life 360°. It is synonymous to tasting the best guacamole on the planet and wanting others to rejoice in the pleasure so they can feel the same. What really inspires me is seeing my students come alive, filling the space that they are and have always been and therefore, naturally shine. I love to see how yoga noticeably transforms my students off the mat as they seize their lives with joy and responsibility and began manifesting their greatest dreams. I am constantly blown away by our capacity to make radical changes in our lives with just a shift in perception and embrace self-love in its greatest sense. If I can, in any way, be that light that points them in the direction of self-love and transformation then I am serving my dharma.


  • Theme oriented group classes
  • Private mentoring
  • Workshops
  • Retreats
  • Festivals
  • Conferences
  • Intensives
  • Mentoring teens through their development
  • In-depth teachings on the energetic chakra system
  • Study of the Self through transformation


Jessica Magnin

Group Classes with Jess, at O2Yoga Breathe Life, Vich, Switzerland

Monday 12h30 – 13h30 (Vinyasa)

Tuesday 19h30 – 21h00 (Vinyasa)

Wednesday 12h30 – 13h30 (Vinyasa) + 17h30 – 19h00 (Meditation)

Thursday 09h15 – 10h45 (Vinyasa)

Friday 16h15 – 17h15 (Pre-teens) + 17h20 – 18h20 (Teens)

Online Practice with Jess

Gather Yoga


Yoga Anytime

Gather Yoga


Yoga courses in Vich, Swizerland


Jessica est une des plus authentiques enseignantes et écrivain talentueuse, que je connaisse. Elle enseigne et écrit à partir de son cœur éveillé qui rayonne et de ses expériences enrichissantes dans dimensions multiples. Ses cours sont passionnants et instructives. Je recommande vivement ses cours pour une aventure éclairante du soi lumineux.(Anne-Françoise)


Entrer dans la salle de cours de Jessica, c’est une invitation à un voyage entre Ciel et Terre. Jessica enseigne avec passion et passionnément la pratique du yoga dans le plus pur respect des traditions.

Elle nous emmène, au travers d’une heure trente de postures rythmées par la respiration, à la rencontre de nous-même, à l’ouverture vers l’autre. Chaque cours est abordé avec autant d’enthousiasme et d’intensité, que de professionnalisme, qu’elle nous offre avec compassion et gratitude. Ma rencontre avec Jessica est un cadeau de la vie qui m’accompagne dans la poursuite de mon chemin et dans une meilleure compréhension de mon corps, de mon âme, de mon esprit et de la vie. (Mayra)


En tant qu’étudiante, le yoga m’apporte non seulement une détente en fin de semaine mais aussi une aide dans ma vie d’adolescente. Le yoga m’apporte du bien-être et de la confiance. Grâce à ces cours, je surmonte les épreuves du quotidien avec une plus grande aisance mais aussi avec une plus grande compréhension. Jessica n’est pas une professeur ordinaire: elle est une amie, une confidente, un guide tout au long de ses cours. Elle a beaucoup de facilité à mettre ses élèves à l’aise et rayonne de joie à chaque séance. Jess sait quels sujets aborder et quelles méthodes utiliser face à différents groupes de personnes. Elle a un grand coeur et me donne le sourire chaque vendredi: quand je la vois. (Jenny age 17)


Jessica is such a positive and inspiring human being. Following her yoga practice as well as her coaching has helped me get much more in touch with my emotions and intuition. Thanks to her guidance I was able to regain a sense of self-confidence and self-love at a time a really needed it. Her compassionate, empowering, judgment-free approach has been the cornerstone of my journey to self-discovery, and while they are many more things to uncover I am so thankful for the gift of having met Jess in the first place. She’s empowered and inspired me to become a better, fuller version of myself. (Léa)


Vos cours de yoga vont au delà des postures et des techniques de respiration. Vos cours de yoga donnent aux enfants et aux ados des outils qui aideront tout le long de leur vie. Le cours sur la confiance en soi, notamment donne les bases pour grandir dans la joie. En apprenant à s’aimer lui-même et à se respecter, l’enfant s’épanouit et peut affronter les situations difficiles de manière positive. Ma fille a beaucoup de chance à pouvoir prendre connaissance de ces outils. Merci. (Somanoe)


Un tout grand merci ma Jess pour ce magnifique moment partagé , 🙏❤ 3h qui ont passé comme 3 secondes…  tu es solaire… tu dégages tellement d énergie positive… t imaginer triste ou en colère paraît improbable… et pourtant,  c est le lot de chacun ,:  un sac à dos bien rempli … apprendre à s aimer ,  être attentionné , plus compatissant et bon avec soi… tout ce que tu émets , te reviens , sommes en fait ,des récepteurs /émetteurs les lois de l Univers font foi 🙏 tu es solaire tu rayonnes et rends le sourire à ceux qui t entourent …. (Sylvianne)


Your practice through chaos; what a tribute to the path of Life. I can feel your pain, vulnerability blossoming into strength. It is a journey that walks through the depths of you soul. (Michelle)


Jessica’s teachings and wisdom are powerful tools for living in the present moment. She encourages her students to have the courage to dive deep into their hearts and uncover their essence. Jessica has inspired me to be true to myself in a loving and compassionate way. I am eternally grateful for her teachings. (Nathalie)


Jessica teaches and inspires us without even knowing it. (Anonyme)


Le yoga m’apporte de la sérénité de la confiance et m’apprend à apprivoiser les difficultés de la vie ce qui me rend plus positif et grâce à ça j’ai une manière de mener plus joyeux. En deux mot: Gratitude et Positivité. (Erwin 14 ans)


L’engagement de Jessica dans son enseignement est total. Elle nous transmet avec authenticité et simplicité ce qu’elle à elle-même éprouvé et expérimenté. Son enseignement me permet de me transformer et être moi-même. Aucun mots ne peut le transcrire. Il faut le vivre. Gratitude pour toi Jessica. (Catherine)


I admire your strength and ability to enhance happiness of human beings around you. (Simone)


Jess is a truly amazing teacher- her knowledge and personal experiences are what makes her classes so unique. The themes are applicable to daily life and through her practical tools on how to deal with struggles, frustrations and emotions I have grown. (Vera)


Plus qu’un prof de yoga, Jess est un veritable guide. Elle enseigne avec son coeur, de manière authentique, pour nous permettre d’évoluer un peu chaque jour. Chaque moment avec Jess est un réel apprentissage. (Anonyme)


Ton enseignement me permet d’avancer dans ma vie, il me permet d’évoluer. Grâce à ta générosité j’apprends des pratiques de yoga et de méditation qui m’apportent des révélations qui m’évitent de stagner dans le doute et l’indécision. Tu me guides sur le chemin de la compassion. (Ariane)


Jessica’s natural intuition and yoga mastery is wonderfully complimented by her caring and compassionate approach. Whether it is in her yoga classes, meditation, coaching, workshops or retreats, Jessica creates a safe space for you to connect deeply to your breath, your body and your spirit. It is in these precious moments where transformation happens. I am deeply grateful and feel very lucky to have found such an open, generous (and funny!) person to guide me along my own path. (Niki)


What I love about your teaching is that it is constantly evolving. You bring freshness to each new class which amazes me at your capacity to reinvent yourself and your practice. It is never just about the asana; it is about bringing yoga to life. Each class gives us insights into ourselves which we can take home and reflect upon and work on. Your generosity to share your own life journey with us make us better human beings and that is why I keep coming back. (Judith)


MERCI du fond du coeur pour tout ce que tu nous donnes Jess ! Tu es une petite boule d’amour et de générosité incroyable. Cette première retraite fut une expérience merveilleuse, enrichissante et pleine de découverte. Merci. Avec toute mon affection. (Stéphanie)


J’ai commencé à pratiquer le yoga chez toi il y a dix ans avec des douleurs post opératoires et suite à des accidents au genou, à la tête  et l’épaule. Après 2 semaines de yoga assez intensif, je n’avais plus de douleurs. Merci et bravo. J’ai l’impression que la plupart des postures me sont destinées personnellement! Et ce travail sur moi me permet de pratiquer d’autres sports tels que l’aviron ou la voile, tous deux exigeants pour le dos. Ta compréhension du corps et son lien avec l’esprit transparaît dans ton enseignement et m’apporte un rappel, un soutien dans maintes situations. (François)


Jessica is the most wonderful and intuitive yoga teacher I have ever come across. She has the ability to make her students feel at ease, identify their needs and provide them with the tools they need at that precise moment. She never judges, she always listens. She has an incredible ability to understand what is going on in other people’s hearts and to respond to that in a supportive and reassuring way. She has such a calming way with others that you very quickly feel you can put your total trust in her. The other thing I particularly admire in Jess, is how she succeeds in constantly challenging herself and not simply accepting things as a given. She also reminds us, her students, every day that life is precious and practising gratitude is important. I feel very honoured to be able to count on her for guidance and support, not only as a yoga teacher, but also as a friend. (Catherine)
