Inspirational Stepping Stones

We either go through our stuff with resistance and suffer or we go through our stuff and flow with an open heart and acceptance that things are as they are.  Everything single thing, little or big, that you encounter on your path can be used as a gift for growth or a curse for suffering.  – JM


What inspires me to write?

I wrote my first poem when I was 8 years old and have been writing ever since. Writing is my release; a vehicle for unleashing my inner world of thoughts, feelings, fears and doubts. My daily experiences, whether mundane or transformationally sublime, are the sum total of this massive rotating puzzle which is my life. Each second is an opportunity for self-reflection, self-growth and shared expression. ‘Inspirational Stepping Stones’ are a collection of experimental life encounters, interwoven with my interpretations and unveiled insights that have profoundly touched my existence and ignited the desire to write about them.

This collection is a gentle reminder that you are experiencing exactly what you are meant to; even those challenging moments too. Trust that your life is unfolding for the evolution and growth of your heart and soul. You can inhale these writings as pearls of wisdom and/or, as an encouraging invitation to share You, all of you, with the world. Believe in your journey and it’s empowering ability to touch the hearts of others and invite them to share too. Don’t be afraid; inspiration begins with one breath, one word and one step at a time.


Life on Stage        ( written at 10yrs old)

The stage is set

The lights are dimmed

A stream of actors appears wearing masks of unfamiliar faces

They began to act never stopping

never stepping out of line…until they die

for they live the life of an actor

An announcer appears on stage

Thank you for joining us tonight to experience 

This was your life.



“Going through a pretty emotionally distressing time over the last 3 months.  I just wanted to say your shared wisdom and experiences have helped a lot. I am grateful for it and just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing these things, and yourself with the world.” (Tosh)


“A beautiful expression of truth. A truthful expression of your beauty. Inside and out. What I keep coming back to is gratitude…then the wheel spins again and somehow it spins back to you and your spirit which reaches across continents, You are my gratitude girl. When I have been down, I thought of you and besides being grateful you are in the world and have crossed my path, I am reminded of all the other things I am grateful for which gets me out of the fog. I’m glad I bought the ticket.” (Lionel)


“Your writing is beautiful and powerful and so very useful. Thank-you. I am grateful for you and your sharing from a deep place of knowing.” (Megan)


“This is such a lovely reminder Jess. Very inspiring, thanks for always putting our thoughts back on the right track!!!” (Catherine)


“Magic, magic Life. Thank you for your deep guidance and presence in my life.” (Tiana)


“Congratulations for your work & deep respect for your creativity & your non-stopping challenging style.” (Luli)

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